Get a Transaction
Returns the latest version of a single member transaction based on the ID provided.
Path Parameters
The unique identifier of the member transaction you would like to view
Body of the member transaction
The date the record was created
Unique identifier of the associated employee in the Noyo system
Unique identifier of the record in Noyo
List of lines of coverage for the member transaction
Line of coverage for the member transaction
, dental
, vision
, life
, add
, std
, ltd
, accident
, critical_illness
, cancer
, hospital_indemnity
Unique identifier of the member request in the Noyo system
The date the record was last updated
Result of the member transaction
Status of the member transaction
, completed
, failed
, canceled
Transaction type of the member transaction
, carrier_demographic_full
, carrier_new_hire
, carrier_termination
, noyo_termination
, carrier_open_enrollment_full
, carrier_open_enrollment_adding
, carrier_open_enrollment_modifying
, carrier_open_enrollment_removing
, carrier_qualifying_life_event_full
, carrier_qualifying_life_event_adding
, carrier_qualifying_life_event_modifying
, carrier_qualifying_life_event_removing
, carrier_enrollment_snapshot_new_hire
, carrier_cobra_enrollment
, carrier_cobra_termination
, carrier_cobra_open_enrollment
, carrier_cobra_qualifying_life_event
Current version of the record
Unique identifier of the carrier in the Noyo system
History of status details for the member transaction
A restructured form of the transaction's body data for UI display purposes
The date the member transaction was verified
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