Retry Group Connection with Existing Group
Retry a carrier connection for an existing group
Path Parameters
The unique identifier of the group connection that needs to be reprocessed
Brokerage or Organization Federal Employer Identification Number for the group's broker.
Invidividual or DRLP Federal Tax Identification Number for the group's broker. Format can be either an EIN or SSN
Unique identifier for the group in the carrier system
Unique identifier of the carrier in Noyo
The date the record was created
Carrier-specific data to execute a group connection
Unique identifier of the group connection in Noyo
The date the record was last updated
Unique identifier of the platform or broker organization in Noyo
Type of the group connection
More information about the result of the group connection
Status of the group connection
, processing
, noyo_review
, waiting_on_carrier
, carrier_authorization
, action_required
, unable_to_connect
, completed
Current version of the record
Timestamp indicating when a group connection was marked as completed.
ID of associated group model
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