The Member Request workflow is now deprecated in favor of using Member Snapshot

All types of member requests follow the same basic flow. As an example, let’s look at a new hire enrollment request.

Before you start: Create a new employee for a group and add dependents

When enrolling a new hire, first create a record of the new employee and their dependents within Noyo. For other member request types, go straight to step 1.

To get started, you’ll use the Create Employee and Create Dependent endpoints. This creates a standardized data object that contains personal information about the member, as well as key employment details. When member is created, Noyo will return a unique ID to reference when submitting a new hire enrollment request.

Step 1: Submit a new hire enrollment request

The New Hire Enrollment request adds an existing employee, and optionally their dependents, to multiple lines of coverage across multiple carriers in a single API request. Use the unique identifiers for the employee, carriers, and plans for which you’d like to enroll. Optionally, you can also include details about plans an employee is waiving.

Noyo provides carrier ids and configuration details in advance, and we also make these details accessible via API. You have instant access to the most up to date group structure and plan eligibility info for each carrier.

Step 2: Noyo validates the member request and provides instant feedback

Noyo will immediately validate member requests, checking for duplicate records, missing fields, and any issues that could violate carrier-specific rules.

Step 3 & 4: Valid requests split into transactions and processed by carrier

When you submit a member request, you’re telling Noyo what successful enrollment looks like. Noyo then does the hard work of structuring the request into smaller transactions or action items that are carried out at the carrier.

For example, a New Hire Enrollment member request may result in two member transactions: one to add medical coverage at Carrier A, and a second to add dental and vision coverage at Carrier B.

Step 5: Noyo continuously pulls information from the carrier to confirm success

For each transaction sent via Noyo, we confirm that every detail is completed as expected. Noyo’s Round Trip Confirmation functionality validates changes when they’re sent and then automatically checks the carrier’s system to confirm success.

Step 6: Poll the Noyo API to receive status updates

Poll the Noyo API to receive automatic status updates for each transaction, along with details on any issues that may arise. Transactions may be completed in mere seconds or longer, depending on the carrier and request type.

Step 7: Noyo continuously syncs group information from carrier

Noyo proactively checks the carrier system for changes to member data for each managed group. This ensures that Noyo can capture any changes that might happen outside of Noyo (e.g., in a broker portal or directly at the carrier).

Step 8: Noyo compares carrier data and programmatically identifies issues

When Noyo detects a change at the carrier, our Sync technology can automatically refresh data in our system to keep it up to date, as well as surface any discrepancies to platforms that may impact coverage.

Step 9: Review any issues for fast reconciliation

Real-time statuses of all transactions can be monitored in the Noyo Command Center. Alternatively, you can use Noyo’s API endpoints to check the status of requests and create custom operational tooling in your own system.

For more information about the Command Center, see Command Center.

Create Employee Create Dependent Using the API