Create Members
The Member Request workflow is now deprecated in favor of Member Snapshot
Before modifying members using the other Member Request types, it may be necessary to create them in the Noyo system. These endpoints should only be used if your are sure that the member to be modified does NOT already exist in Noyo’s data. Otherwise, duplicate members could be created.
Create Employee
Create a new employee for a group.
Create Employee
Employee Validation
When POSTing to the endpoint to create an employee or dependent, the SSN is verified to ensure the correct format. The pattern checks to make sure that the SSN is 9 digits long, that no individual section consists solely of zeros, and that the number does not start with “666”. If the SSN validation fails, you will get the following response:
{ "errors": { "person": { "ssn": ["Invalid person SSN"] } } }
Create Dependent
Create a new dependent for an employee.
Create Dependent
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