Group connection requests can be started prior to authorization, but they will enter an action_required or carrier_authorization status if the group is not yet authorized. You will be prompted for further action in the Noyo UI.

Authorization process can vary by carrier. Reference each carrier’s documentation for details on authorization processes.

Noyo works with carriers to improve their authorization requirements, with the goal of achieving automatic authorization for all carriers.

Include broker FEIN whenever possible
While it isn’t a required field, Noyo recommends including the group broker’s FEIN whenever it is known. This will help prevent delays and further intervention in the connection process, along with keeping your integration easy to extend to additional carriers.

Authorization models

Each carrier’s process will fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Automatic Authorization for Noyo
    Noyo has been granted authorization by the carrier to manage enrollment data for any group. There is no action needed by the broker or ben-admin.
  2. Per-group authorization by ben-admin platform
    The ben-admin requests authorization per-group via a form or email. For all Send carriers, the ben-admin authorizes Noyo as their EDI partner.
  3. Bulk authorization by broker
    The broker grants authorization via the carrier’s portal, a form, or an email. This must be done before a GCR can be completed.
  4. Per-group authorization by broker
    For each group, the broker grants authorization via the carrier’s portal, a form, or an email. This must be done before a group can be connected to the carrier.